try to alternate names and pronouns for me if possible! ty :][♡] = preferred
[☆] = okay
[#] = no
[♤] = jokingly
[@] = friends only
[&] = partner only

pronoun help here


♡ Arata
♡ Ara
♡ Gregor
♡ Franklin
☆ L'arc
☆ Luka
@☆ Greg
@☆ Fran
@☆ Ken


♡ it/its
♡ he/him
♡ digi/digis
♡ data/datas
♡ cy/cyber
♡ ich/icho
☆ xe/xem
☆ do/dor
# they/them
# she/her


♡ no honorific
♤ mr
# ms
♤ sir
# ma'am
♤ mx

♡ boy
♡ dude
♡ buddy
♡ bro
♡ bud
☆ man
♤@ girl
# woman
# lady
# pal
# person
# sis
# sib

☆ handsome
☆ cute
# pretty
# hot
# sexy

♡ boyfriend
♡ digifriend
♡ friend
♡ husband
♡ partner
♤ wife
♤ beloved
♤ my little guppy
# girlfriend

I think digi is very nice.
I asked digi if I can borrow digis pencil.
Digi told me that the house is digis.
Digi said digi would rather do it digiself.
I think data is very nice.
I asked data if I can borrow datas pencil.
Data told me that the house is datas.
Data said data would rather do it dataself.
I think cy is very nice.
I asked cyber if I can borrow cybs pencil.
Cy told me that the house is cybs.
Cy said cy would rather do it cyberself.
I think ich is very nice.
I asked icho if I can borrow ichor pencil.
Ich told me that the house is ichors.
Ich said ich would rather do it ichorself.
I think xe is very nice.
I asked xem if I can borrow xyr pencil.
Xe told me that the house is xyrs.
Xe said xe would rather do it xemself.
I think do is very nice.
I asked dor if I can borrow dorus pencil.
Do told me that the house is dorus.
Do said do would rather do it doruself.